More Than This
Giới thiệu sách More Than This – Tác giả Patrick Ness
More Than This
A boy called Seth drowns, desperate and alone in his final moments, losing his life as the pounding sea claims him. But then he wakes. He is naked, thirsty, starving. But alive. How is that possible? He remembers dying, his bones breaking, his skull dashed upon the rocks. So how is he is here? And where is this place? It looks like the suburban English town where he lived as a child, before an unthinkable tragedy happened and his family moved to America. But the neighbourhood around his old house is overgrown, covered in dust and completely abandoned. What’s going on? And why is it that whenever he closes his eyes, he falls prey to vivid, agonizing memories that seem more real than the world around him? Seth begins a search for answers, hoping that he might not be alone, that this might not be the hell he fears it to be, that there might be more than just this…
1. Thông tin chi tiết
- Tên sách: More Than This
- Công ty phát hành Walker
- Tác giả: Patrick Ness
- Nhà xuất bản: Walker
- ISBN-13 9781406350487
- Kích thước: 198 x 129 x 33 mm
- Loại bìa: Paperback
- Xem thêm: Top sách nên đọc
2. Đánh giá Sách More Than This

Đánh giá Sách More Than This
1 Giao hàng nhanh. tuy không được bọc nhưng sách không gặp hề hấn gì.
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3 Tôi thích quyển này. Nó rất hợp với tôi. Giao hàng nhanh, đóng gói cẩn thận, nội dung hay. Giao hàng nhanh, đóng gói cẩn thận, nội dung hay.
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Review sách More Than This

Review sách More Than This
After drowning in the ocean, 17-year-old Seth wakes up in a desolate suburban English town and thinks he died and went straight to hell. Seth does his best to adjust and find out why this place looks so familiar to him and he remembers that this is the neighbourhood he grew up in until his family moved to the States after something tragic happened to his brother. Soon Seth learns that he is not alone in this place and that this is not hell, but something far more complex.
Written by the author of The Monsters Call and Chaos Walking, Patrick Ness, More Than This takes you on a self-exploring trip in which you are asked, if you could change something traumatic, would you?
Real life can be hard and unpleasant and sometimes everyone one of us wishes to stop time or rewind time to choose differently or erase something from happening. Ness explores this need of change. Seth drowns and wakes up in an empty house in which he lived with his family as a kid. He died in the USA and wakes up in England. That alone is strange, so of course he thinks he died and will be punished in hell for eternity. When he meets Regine and Tomasz, he finds out that this is not hell and that he is not dead, he just woke up after living in a virtual world for the past couple of years.
Lethe, an organisation who created a virtual reality, can upload your life into the program and let you live in an alternate reality in which you can overwrite bad events and live up to your full potential. The thing is, the moment you are linked to the framework, you forget that you are. So, while you live your life in a fake world, your real body lies wrapped up and plugged with tubes in a coffin to keep you alive. Torn between the life he lived and his new reality, Seth tries to understand everything and find his family, while also running away from the mysterious person called The Driver whose only goal is to catch everyone who escape from the framework.
For me, More Than This is a mix of The Lovely Bones and Lost River, with a bit of Ready Player One and a lot of The Matrix.
Nowadays we have the possibility to escape reality through the different platforms on the internet, whilst knowing that at some point we have to face reality again. Ness explores the possibility of a constant way of escape while also showing that no matter what you are doing, in the end you never will be able to. You just change the setting, but you are still human, and humans make mistakes.
At first, the framework feels perfect, but even there, Seth and his family had to face unpleasant things and their lives have been far from perfect. Their stories have been programmed to be happy and together, while you can feel that something is not right but neither the characters nor the reader can pinpoint what.
It is not possible to talk about this book and not spoil the most important parts of the story, without giving too much away. There are two plot twists which you do not see coming and take the book in another direction.
But what I can tell you is that More Than This teaches you that you’ll never truly escape your life and that you have to learn to deal with it the way it is and that in this, you can find something beautiful.
Mua sách More Than This ở đâu?
Giá trên thị trường cuốn “More Than This” khoảng 151.000đ đến 152.000đ. Tuy nhiên bạn có thể tham khảo sách trên các trang thương mại điện tử như: Shopee, Newshop, Fahasa, Tiki…
1 Giá khuyến mãi ưu tiên số 1 “More Than This Tiki” tại đây
2 Giá khuyến mãi ưu tiên số 2 “More Than This Shopee” tại đây
3 Giá khuyến mãi ưu tiên số 3 “More Than This Fahasa” tại đây
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THÔNG BÁO QUAN TRỌNG: Từ ngày 22/03/2025 Sách 86 tạm thời ngừng cung cấp các bản [Ebook, Pdf] với lý do vướng mắc về bản quyền. Tính năng tải sách sẽ được mở lại khi có thông báo mới. MỘT SỐ SÁCH VẪN ĐƯỢC TẢI
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